Saltmarsh – Turning it into a Campaign

Over the past three sessions our group has finished up the Salvage Operation mission from Ghosts of Saltmarsh.  This mission finished up Tier 1 play for the group as they leveled up to 5 after the mission.  Starting next session they will move into the Tier 2 section of the book.  I thought I might … Continue reading Saltmarsh – Turning it into a Campaign

Current Campaigns

Currently I am running two campaigns, unlike in the past where I have run mostly home-brewed campaign content, I decided to run two of the official D&D 5e campaign books, Ghosts of Saltmarsh and Curse of Strahd. Both books provide a good framework for gaming in a general style that is close to my natural … Continue reading Current Campaigns

Down The Rabbit Hole

It is 2020 and the time of Social Distancing, Imposed Quarantines, and Working from Home.  I have had this blog out in the wild for over a decade as mostly a place to put my musings about politics and other similar topics.  However, my boredom with those topics reached it's peak many years ago and … Continue reading Down The Rabbit Hole