Who is the Evil Twin?

Yes I am that handsome

Hello there.  I am the Evil Twin…or more accurately that’s what I call myself here.

Who am I?

A little bit of everything.

I consider myself to be a bit of a renaissance man.  Which is shorthand for “I have a lot of interests and hobbies, but am not really that good or dedicated to any of them.”  I am a passable artist, have written at least one unpublished novel, am a decent musician, have played many competitive sports, am a former martial artist, fenced, am a video gamer, board gamer, card player, role-player, comic book reader, manga fan, anime fan, movie goer, television watcher, have a passing interest in sports, a tech nut, gadget freak, an It professional, car repairman, home repairman, cook, husband, father, Libertarian, Christian, you get the idea.

I am a firm believer in knowing a few things about almost everything as opposed to knowing almost everything about a few things.

What is the Evil Blog?

This is my space to chat about the things that interest me.  It used to be a place where I blogged about my politics mostly, but after getting incredibly bored with politics around 2012 I just stopped and the blog has sat dormant for years.  So for now I am re-purposing this into a place to blog about my D&D gaming.  I have archived all of my old posts and will start working on putting my D&D stuff here on the page.  I have almost 40 years of experience playing board, miniature, and role-playing games.  What I am collecting here may or may not be useful for you, but it is here for me and others to peruse.

Why the Evil Twin?

For the record I don’t have a twin.  Two reasons:

First the boring real reason.  Years ago, while at college (the first time), someone asked me one morning, “Hey, weren’t you just in here?”  to which I replied, “No, it must have been my evil twin.”  It was a line I had used before, but for some reason it became a running joke between my friends and I.  So it stuck.  A few years back my wife bought me the shirt you see pictured above and I have been using the moniker online ever since.

Now the “true” reason…I have a goatee.  ’nuff said.

Enjoy my ramblings.

Evil Out

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